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Buying a House

Buying a home on a contract can be a way for persons who are low-income or who have poor credit to become homeowners. However, there are certain risks to know about to avoid surprises after the contract is signed.

Consumers and Bail Bonds

Most people spend very little time thinking about bail bondsmen —up until the moment a loved one lands in jail. In the cash bail system, where money secures freedom, some bail bond agents will go to great lengths to collect their profits. Consumers should know the risks of bail bond agreements. Consumers should also know their rights when things go wrong.

Payday Loans - a Convenience You Can't Afford!

The use of "payday loans" (also sometimes known as "cash advance loans," "check advance loans" or "delayed deposit checks") has become a ritual for many working Iowans, including the elderly. Unfortunately, the Iowans using these types of services do not realize what the service is costing them.

Paying for Utilities

If you cannot afford to pay your natural gas and electric utility bills, you have certain rights and remedies that may help you avoid having utilities shut off.

Predatory Lending - Don't Be a Victim

Predatory lenders take advantage of unsuspecting consumers by marketing and making mortgage loans with vastly inflated interest rates and fees and other burdensome terms. Predatory lending is a serious problem throughout the country, one that can leave you penniless and homeless.


Refinancing may look good now when interest rates are lower than they have been in years. However, smaller monthly payments do not always mean that refinancing will be a good deal for you as a consumer.

Shopping for Credit

There are a few key items of information a consumer should look for before signing a credit agreement. She may be in for a surprise at how much money it costs to “buy now, pay later.”

The Servicemembers Civil Relief Act

The "SCRA" is a federal statute passed by Congress to allow military members to suspend or postpone some civil obligations so the military member can devote his or her full attention to military duties.

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