Unfair Sales Practices and Consumer Fraud

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Avoiding Fake Check Scams

Consumers need to be careful when they deposit unfamiliar checks (or money orders) into their personal bank accounts. Fake check scams have many variations.

Beware of Free Trial Offers

Some consumers get charged for products or services and don't even know it. This happens especially with "free trial offers" for buying club memberships, travel clubs or "credit card protection plans."

Funeral Planning

Your funeral may be one of the most expensive consumer purchases you or your family ever makes. Most people, however, do not handle a funeral purchase the same way they approach other major purchases. To avoid overspending, it helps to understand your rights under the "Funeral Rule" enforced by the Federal Trade Commission.

Just Say "No" to Unwanted Door-to-Door Sales

While there are reputable businesses that sell door-to-door, many use high pressure and assorted tricks to get your money. The best way to deal with a salesperson who is selling something you don’t need or want is to just say “NO”!

Payday Loans - a Convenience You Can't Afford!

The use of "payday loans" (also sometimes known as "cash advance loans," "check advance loans" or "delayed deposit checks") has become a ritual for many working Iowans, including the elderly. Unfortunately, the Iowans using these types of services do not realize what the service is costing them.

Predatory Lending - Don't Be a Victim

Predatory lenders take advantage of unsuspecting consumers by marketing and making mortgage loans with vastly inflated interest rates and fees and other burdensome terms. Predatory lending is a serious problem throughout the country, one that can leave you penniless and homeless.


Refinancing may look good now when interest rates are lower than they have been in years. However, smaller monthly payments do not always mean that refinancing will be a good deal for you as a consumer.

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