Criminal No Contact Orders and Civil Protection Orders
A lot of what we know about the law we learn from television. Read this information about domestic abuse and the orders that protect victims.
Denying Housing to Survivors of Domestic Violence May Violate Fair Housing Laws
It is hard enough for anyone to find decent affordable housing. Finding housing may be even harder for women who are survivors of domestic violence. Why would this be?
How Can I Get a Civil Protection Order?
A civil domestic abuse action is started by filing a petition with the Clerk of Court, asking for protection from domestic abuse. A victim can have an attorney file the petition for her. A domestic abuse victim can also file a petition themselves by using forms available from the Clerk of Court.
How Do the Police Protect Victims of Domestic Abuse?
Often, police or other law enforcement officers respond to calls for help and have contact with domestic abuse victims in their homes. The Domestic Abuse Act requires these peace officers to protect victims of domestic abuse and enforce the law. The Domestic Abuse Act requires peace officers to do very specific things.
How Immigration Laws Impact Immigrant Victims of Domestic Violence
The Violence Against Women Act (“VAWA”) was passed. In 2000, Congress expanded VAWA’s and created two new kinds of visas for people who are neither immigrants nor citizens, and are victims of certain crimes of violence.
How Social Media Can Be Used Against People in Family Law Cases
What people put on social media websites can end up being used in unexpected ways. Being aware of the potential risks can help you avoid adding content that could cause problems down the road.
Iowa's Domestic Violence Firearm Law
Iowa law restricts firearm possession by someone who has a domestic abuse conviction or restraining order against them.
Landlord Notices of Clear and Present Danger-Protections for Victims of Domestic or Sex Abuse
In Iowa, a landlord can evict a tenant if the landlord feels the tenant is creating a situation which places others in danger. This article explains Iowa's "clear and present danger" law.
Legal Aid Helps Women Experiencing Violence
Iowa Legal Aid helps clients who experience intimate partner violence (IPV). Iowa Legal Aid gives civil legal help in family law, including protective orders, divorce, and custody.
Safe at Home Program
Safe at Home is a program that will give its participants a new address to use as a mailing address and for public records.
Sexual Assault and Civil Legal Remedies
Sexual assault can happen in many different ways. Rape is one form of sexual assault. There are many other forms that it may take. Here are questions and answers about civil legal remedies in this area of the law.
Teens Rights in Your Dating Relationship
You have many rights in your relationship with your girlfriend or boyfriend, including the right to say no to sex or anything you don?t want to do. You have the right not to be abused.
Teens: The Healthy Relationship Quiz
Take the "Healthy Relationship Quiz" to find out if your relationship is as healthy as you deserve.
The Criminal Process in Domestic Abuse Cases
Any victim of a crime can file a criminal complaint against their assailant by contacting the police and making the complaint. A victim of domestic abuse has that same right. In the criminal context, the decision about whether someone is charged or what charges will be brought is up to the county attorney. The victim does not control the process.