Social Security/Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

Legal Information

Other Health Problems

3 Resource(s) Found

Debts Owed to Federal Government Can Be Collected Through Social Security Benefit Checks

Iowans should know the U.S. Department of Treasury and Social Security Administration are working together to collect non-tax debts owed the U.S. Government. People who owe a non-tax debt to the U.S. Government are subject to new actions to collect the money.

Inheritances and SSI

People who get Supplemental Security Income (SSI) know they need to report changes in income and resources to the Social Security Administration (SSA). Most people do not think they need to do anything until they actually get the money. If you get SSI and you are going to inherit something, that could create a problem. You could end up having an overpayment or even lose your SSI benefits.

Property Tax Suspension for People Who Get SSI

Many people with a disability own or are buying their homes. Iowa law allows people who get Supplemental Security Income (SSI), or State Supplemental Assistance (SSA), or live in a health care facility, to get their property taxes suspended.

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