Facing Foreclosure? Tips to Help Restructure Debt and Deal with Mortgage Companies
When the foreclosure process starts or is just around the corner, homeowners must decide whether to stay in the home or move. This is not an easy choice to make.
Facts About Foreclosure
The following "factsheet" can be useful to help homeowners understand their rights when facing the loss of their home.
How Can I Avoid Debt if I Am Facing Foreclosure?
Foreclosure of your home can be very stressful. You may be worried about large debt after foreclosure.
I Lost My House and Now I Owe Taxes?
If sale of a home in a foreclosure action does not cover the amount owed to the lender, part of a loan may not have to be paid back. The IRS may consider the amount of debt "forgiven" as income and tax it.
Mortgage Foreclosures and Land Contract Forfeitures
People are usually not able to pay in full when they buy a home. As a result, most Iowans finance homes through either a mortgage or a land contract. If the buyer fails to make payments the loan terms require, each of these financing tools allows the lender to retake the home. The steps involved depend on whether it is a mortgage or land contract.
Refinancing may look good now when interest rates are lower than they have been in years. However, smaller monthly payments do not always mean that refinancing will be a good deal for you as a consumer.
The Servicemembers Civil Relief Act
The "SCRA" is a federal statute passed by Congress to allow military members to suspend or postpone some civil obligations so the military member can devote his or her full attention to military duties.
What You Need to Know about Property Taxes
Information on the importance of staying current on property taxes and what happens when you don't