Can I Expunge My Adult Criminal Conviction in Iowa?
The State of Iowa’s policy is to keep most criminal records public. Others can see a criminal conviction.
Evictions 101
Many people don’t know what to do when their landlords threaten to evict them. The law protects rights of tenants. It also protects rights of landlords. Like other legal topics, issues in landlord-tenant law can be complicated. Still, most of the basic rules and steps parties must follow are fairly simple.
Questions and Answers for Tenants About Bedbugs
Once thought to be largely eliminated in the United States, bedbugs have again become a problem for tenants, homeowners, hotels and even retail stores.
Summary of Iowa Landlord and Tenant Law
A brief overview of Iowa residential landlord and tenant law.
What Is Discrimination in Housing?
Some of the things a landlord considers in choosing tenants or in deciding how to treat a particular tenant are legal and proper. Others are illegal, improper, and cannot be considered.