Accommodations for Veterans With Disabilities
Help is available to enable many disabled veterans to live very independently. Legal protections help make this happen. Any veteran with disabilities or person who knows a veteran with disabilities should know about how the law protects these brave people. The law supports their search for decent, affordable housing.
Assistive Technology and Rights of Persons With Disabilities
People with disabilities, including those who use assistive technology, have many rights. Here is just a summary of some areas with special protections of which you should be aware.
Help for Iowans Who Owe Back Child Support
Information that helps Iowans who owe back child support
Housing Rights of Persons with Disabilities
There is not enough low and moderate- income housing to meet the need. Persons with disabilities may have even fewer housing choices. Some rental units could become suitable with a few changes. The landlord's rules or policies might need to change before the tenant could live there. What are a tenant's rights in such cases?
Property Tax Suspension for People Who Get SSI
Many people with a disability own or are buying their homes. Iowa law allows people who get Supplemental Security Income (SSI), or State Supplemental Assistance (SSA), or live in a health care facility, to get their property taxes suspended.
Shopping for an Assistive Technology Device
When you need an assistive device, it's a good idea to be sure to get one that works well and does what you need it to do. Learning as much as you can about a device and testing it before you buy can prevent problems. It is worth the time to make sure the device you choose helps gain more independence, better health or a fuller use of your abilities.