Avoiding the Slings and Arrows of Tax Time
During tax season you will hear many businesses offering to help you file your return. The question is, “Do I really want a car dealership, pay day loan store or rental store to complete my tax return?”
Beware of Bad Tax Advice and Unreliable Return Preparation
Be an informed consumer when selecting a tax preparer. Going to an inexperienced or unethical return preparer can hit you in your pocket book. Filing returns with inflated deductions or credits can result in you owing back taxes, interest and penalties.
Claim All the Tax Credits You Earned: What the Earned Income Credit Can Do for You at Tax Time!
The Earned Income Credit (EIC) is a federal tax credit for low and moderate income working people. The EIC is available to workers who do not have children living in their homes, as well as working parents. You can get a refund even if you do not owe federal income tax. If you do owe federal income tax, the EIC decreases your federal tax.
Divorced, Never Married and Non-traditional Families and Tax Credits
Who can get qualifying child and qualifying relative dependency exemptions.
How Do I Fill Out My W-4?
When you start working you will need to fill out a form to set the amount of taxes that will be taken out of your check each payday. This form is called a W-4.
I Owe the IRS Money. Now What?
Suppose the IRS sent you a letter a couple of years back indicating you owed money. At the time, you didn't know what to do and missed the deadline. This year you are entitled to a refund but the IRS is going to take it. You were going to fix your car or maybe catch up on utility bills with the refund. Is there anything you can do?
The Individual Taxpayer Identification Number or ITIN
Every tax return or other tax document must have an identification number on it. Taxpayers who are legal residents of the United States use their social security number. Taxpayers whose status does not allow them to get a social security number need to apply for an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN).