Iowa Legal Aid North Central Iowa Regional Office
General Contact Information
- Phone
- 1-800-532-1275
- Fax
- 641-423-4657
How to Get Help
Phone Number | 1-800-532-1275 |
Hours |
Address |
202 1st Street SE
Suite 102
Mason City,
Phone Number | 1-800-532-1275 |
Hours |
Phone Number | 1-800-532-1275 |
Information | Offices are open 8:30 am to 4:30 pm |
Who We Are
Who We Serve
Area(s) |
Cirumstances and languages in which interpreters are provided | Iowa Legal Aid's goal is to communicate effectively with our clients. We can use large print, Relay Iowa, language translation service, or other steps for effective communication. Interpretation and translation services and reasonable accommodations will be provided at no cost to qualified applicants. |
Is this office accessible by wheelchair? | Yes |
Does this organization provide access for the hearing impaired? | Yes |
Eligibility Restrictions | To apply for help, call 1-800-532-1275 Monday-Friday from 9 to 11 am or from 1:30 to 3:30 pm, except Thursday afternoon. Iowans 60 and over may call the Legal Hotline for Older Iowans at 1-800-992-8161 Monday-Friday from 9 am to 4:30 pm. |
Type of Help
This group provides the following types of services based on your legal needs and its resources: |
Description of Services | Free legal help for eligible clients. |
Emergency Instructions | Offices are open 8:30 to 4:30 (emergencies taken when open). |