Legal Rights of Agricultural Workers
Legal protections for migrant and seasonal workers: The Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Worker Protection Act (AWPA) is one of the most important federal laws dealing exclusively with agricultural jobs. AWPA requires all farm labor contractors (FLCs) to register with the U.S. Department of Labor and carry their certificate with them. FLCs are people who are paid to recruit, solicit, hire, employ, furnish or transport migrant or seasonal workers. Workers must be given a written disclosure in their native language about the employment terms, such as wage to be paid, benefits, and period of employment. The employer must follow the terms of the working arrangement.
Who is protected by this law?
Migrant agricultural workers and seasonal agricultural workers.
Who offers help?
- Iowa Legal Aid
If you think…
◊ your employer broke promises about the working arrangement;
◊ the person who recruited you does not have a license;
◊ you never got a written disclosure about the job;
◊ You were not paid all your wages;
◊ Your employer took improper deductions from your check; Iowa Legal Aid for help at 1-800-532-1275.
- Iowa Workforce Development
The specialists at Iowa Works can help migrant and seasonal workers. These specialists visit workers’ homes or worksites to offer available services to nearby communities. Specialists also hear complaints and will make the necessary connections to offer help. To understand better what these specialists can do for you, please call Iowa Workforce Development's Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker team call 515-725-4154.