Search results for financial power of attorney

5 Item(s) Found

Are Your Legal Affairs in Order?

Putting your legal affairs in order is important for a number of reasons. Some of the more important issues that Iowans, and especially older Iowans, should consider involve powers of attorney, living wills, and estate and Medicaid planning.

Signer Beware! The Pitfalls of Nursing Home Agreements

Before a person enters a nursing home, they must typically wade through a hefty pile of papers. Among the pile, there will be an “Admission” agreement of some kind. With the obvious distractions of the occasion, most people do not take the time to read and consider the specific terms of this agreement. This is a big mistake.

Know How to Hold it - Pros and Cons of Certain Types of Property Ownership

The manner in which you own your property can have important consequences. The common forms of ownership are sole ownership, joint tenancy with right of survivorship and tenancy in common. Each form of ownership has its pros and cons.

Don’t Make Things Difficult For Those You Love–Plan Ahead

Basic information about planning for the possibility of long term care or to pass resources on to your loved ones.

The Golden Years and Debt

Major changes older people face often have a dramatic impact on their finances. Someone who is not realistic in dealing with these changes can be trapped by expenses and spending that quickly deplete savings.

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